
Efthymios Papatzikis

Associate Professor

Focusing on the interdisciplinary crossroads of Music Pediatrics and Music Psychology, I am interested to understand how the brain develops in the first 1500 days of life. To achieve my goal, I am using neuroimaging (qEEG-ABR-aEEG), behavioral and observational methods. I have been extensively trained and worked in many high profile institutions, including Harvard University (PostDoc in the Mind, Brain and Education program and the Athinoula Martinos Centre for Biomedical Imaging), the University of East Anglia (PhD in Music Psychology), the UCL, University of London, as well as the International Brain Research Organisation (PostDoc training in applied neuroscience and neuroimaging). I have experience in industry across Europe, the USA and the Middle East, while I extensively publish in and review research for major journals in the filed. I am a member of the International Congress of Infant Studies (ICIS), the Fetal Infant and Toddler Neuroimaging Group (FIT’NG), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK, and I hold Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) with the National College for Teaching and Leadership, UK, and the Ministry of Education, Greece (QTS). Finally, I am a board member of the Bright Start Foundation for Maternal and Child Health in Switzerland, and an Associate Editor of the Frontiers in Pediatric Psychology Journal.

Dip.Mus, BMEd, MMus, PhD(c) in Medicine/Biomedical Imaging, PhD in Music Psychology, Prof.Cert.Ed., Cert.Neuro.
– Associate Professor of Infant Brain Development, Department of Early Childhood Education and Care, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
– Board Member of the Bright Start Foundation for Maternal and Child Health, Geneva, Switzerland
– Associate Editor – Frontiers in Pediatric Psychology Journal
– Guest Editor – Frontiers in Pediatrics (Special research topic “Medical Neurohumanities in pediatric care”)